Species full movie genvideos
Species full movie genvideos

species full movie genvideos

Though lacking in content, the film delivers and in the end, that's what matters. Fans of the first film will most likely enjoy this one as much as the first. If you can excuse the paper thin plot, you'll most likely enjoy the film. Overall this is a fun film that should appeal to fans of alien, monster films. The film plays out like a mindless sci fi horror action film, and it doesn't possess anything truly remarkable about it. However what this sequel does is deliver good gore content, and it does it very well. The plot is so-so, and doesn't do anything to blow you away. The acting here is decent at best, nothing ever great, or remarkable. The film is pure popcorn sci fi horror, and though not memorable by any means, this film, this film is nonetheless a worthy film to watch compared to the final two sequels that would follow this film. This film has enough gore elements to overshadow the paper thin plot, and works. This is an impressive sequel that though is far from perfect, has enough momentum to entertain the viewer.

species full movie genvideos

Astronauts returning from the first mission to Mars become infected with an alien form that once back on Earth, reproduces quickly killing anyone who tries to stop. Though not as fun as the firs, Species II proves to be a lot better than the third and fourth films in this series. species full movie genvideos movie The result is Sil, a sensual but deadly creature who can change from a beautiful woman to an armour-plated killing machine in the blink of an eye. Decent sequel to Species, Species II is pure popcorn Sci Fi horror that will most likely appeal to fans of the first, or any monster film fan looking for a good gore fest.

Species full movie genvideos